Smelling the Roses.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

some sayings

Quinn saying-- "I trust you" instead of "trust me"

Walking around saying, "I'm McMommy and I approve this message..." during election time.

Lily and Parker constantly doing back bends and getting better each time.

Monday, July 30, 2012


things to remember-
cameron cutting his leg open at yellowstone, then cutting it again at camp once we got home (doubt this will be forgotten!)
lily dance camp--- routines to "call me maybe," "end of time" and "shawty get loose."
summer spent going to the pool and waterpark. rock climbing. movies. no one wanted to go to camp!!!!!
ms. chechila
quinn lego fanatic.
quinn hitting butts and lots of potty words :(
cameron playing lots of minecraft

Monday, February 20, 2012

things he says (quinn)

sexy and i know it
"you won't remember" when i tell him i'm going to take something away

Monday, August 09, 2010

oh my quinn

He just came out of his room at bedtime complaining that his diaper doesn't fit, his peeper can't go down, and he can't get his diaper to go back on. That it doesn't won't go down!

Sadly, this is a common problem for him!!!

Monday, August 02, 2010

quinn funnies

his thing for the past few months to replace nursing is to blow on my stomach, push it, pinch it, kick it....really anything! the other day while poking at it he looked at my stretch marks and goes, "this is ruined!" Yes, it is, thank you for noticing though!

he's one crazy kid!

Friday, April 30, 2010

More to remember

It's the end of April, 2010--- Quinn is 2.5. Lily is 5.3 and Cameron is 7.5

Quinn calling everyone Obama, asking everyone their names over and over again. Calling "Nancy" from Publix for days. Knows all grandparents' first names. Tells us he hates us, loves us, loves our armpips, misses us....that we're stinky! In Target yesterday started yelling "I hate Obama!!!"!!!!!

Lily playing with her tinkerbell fairies in the box on the built in shelves. Enjoying soccer. Monkey bar master. Playing with Little People with Quinn.

Cameron covered in molluscum, since October. Playing lacrosse...doing great. Did awesome at Field Day--- tied the relay with Aiden.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Quinn- "tastes ummy" "Georgia" "Obama" "I love butts" saying use like "ooze"